As a corporate citizen, we are convinced that balancing purpose and profit creates value for our employees, our suppliers, our clients, as well as for the community and the environment. In 2018, one-third of our staff members were involved in not-for-profit initiatives (MakeSense, Nos Quartiers ont des Talents…) and in skill-based sponsorships for social enterprises (CO).
Our voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach is carried out by a team of ten employees. Since 2009, we are a member of the UN Global Compact, a global movement of sustainable companies that seek to align their strategies and operations with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. In 2018, our Communication on Progress (CoP) has been qualified as GC Advanced, the highest Global Compact differentiation level.
Since February 2021, Colombus Consulting has been certified B Corp in France and Switzerland, a label delivered by the NGO BLab to companies meeting societal and environmental, governance and public transparency requirements.

Promoting employee well-being and quality of life at work
95% of our employees think that Colombus is a great place to work and we are proud of that! Indeed, we pay particular attention to the quality of life at work. We have put in place a career development policy for all our employees based on the continuous training system, the internal promotion policy and coaching. This ongoing effort contributes to our performance in the Employee section of our BCorp certification. In 2022, we signed the Diversity Charter initiated by Les Entreprises pour la Cité, which aims to promote equal opportunities and diversity. We guarantee equality between men and women in the company and have obtained a result of 83/100 in the equal pay index.

Supporting social-impact organizations
We promote not-for-profit initiatives through our partnerships and skill-based sponsorship. In 2014, with 3 other companies, we launched CO, a social-purpose consultancy firm that works for not-for-profit organisations, foundations and social enterprises… Within 5 years, CO supported more than 100 projects to help these organisations scale up and secure their business model. Since 2016, our employees also promote equal opportunity (Nos Quartiers ont des Talents) and social entrepreneurship (MakeSense), through coaching and mentoring programs. Our expertise in social innovation projects helps us respond to our clients’ social issues (fuel poverty, disability issue…).

Protecting the environment
We pay close attention to our environmental impact through various projects : responsible purchasing, sustainable mobility, waste-reduction initiatives… We are convinced that protecting biodiversity creates value for organisations. Therefore, we collaborate with Conservation Capital, a company specializing in creating viable economic models in Africa and Europe, to help our clients consider these issues… We also help protect the environment through our clients’ projects and our expertise on renewable energy, electric vehicles, the Clean Energy Package.

Encouraging companies to seek societal impact
We contribute to the public debate on the consideration of social and environmental issues by companies in their activities. In addition, as part of our missions, we take part in the momentum of transformation of companies by accompanying them on their specific challenges: well-being at work, definition of raison d’être, eco-design approach, energy transition, Clean Energy Package, electric vehicles, car-sharing, etc.